
The Unwanted Advances Of A Junior Hockey Coach

For over 40 years, Bernie Lynch has been heavily involved in the junior hockey world. Up until recently, he was a well respected leader, coach, and individual in the community. That all changed when a player released a statement with text messages showing Bernie’s unwanted advances.

For his own safety, the 20-year-old player has opted to remain anonymous. In just a few of the released messages, the 66-year-old coach messaged the player with very clear intentions. Bernie told the player he was thinking about him often and should come over because he was lonely and would love his company. He also purchased equipment for the player and is said to have given the player special treatment from the other players.

As of now, Bernie Lynch has declined to comment and denied the allegations. Much more on the story will continue to come out as we move forward. The saddest part is that this isn’t and can’t be the first time this has ever happened between a coach. A person in power saying they can advance a player’s career while providing “favors: for the coach in return. Despicable and disgusting.