
Why Are People Freaking Out Over This NHL Playoff Commercial?

The NHL took to social yesterday posting a playoff “hype” video, like they do every year, and people were freaking out over it. It seems I may be one of the few people that absolutely loved this video. The NHL posts these videos every year during the playoffs and if you are a hockey player, you absolutely love them. Nothing gets you more excited to watch the Stanley Cup Playoffs then these commercials.

The video is essentially sending the message of how tough it is to play in the NHL and espcially how much of a battle it is to make it to the Stanley Cup. As most hockey players say, “There is a price to pay” to hoist the Stanley Cup. However, some people on Twitter were not that happy about this video, even some were former NHLers.

Dan Carcillo, infamous for not only his 2 Stanley Cup rings, but his hatred and battle with the NHL. His response to this video was “Please take my name off of you… twice over, thanks”. He even responded to another tweet with this…

I am not a fan of the rhetoric that “It makes you a manly man if you can push through”. That’s just a stupid comment. Their are plenty of women hockey players that pride themselves on being tough, that is what makes hockey one of the best sports. It’s not being “manly”, it’s just being a hockey player. We battle through adversity and keep playing through injuries because we are competitive, its in our blood.

This commercial isn’t “bragging” about injuries. It is bragging about the fact that hockey players will keep going, no matter what. The Stanley Cup isn’t just a trophy like most other sports leagues, its a dream and most players will do whatever it takes to hoist the cup and be crowned a “Stanley Cup Champion”.

I could be wrong about this entire thing and just being naive, but let us know what you think and what side you take.